Fitness Forward Movement Specialists

At Groundswell Physical Therapy our goal is to optimize health, quality of life, and performance. Whether you are looking to get back in the water, on the field, improve your golf game, or just live your life with less pain we can help. Our treatments include skilled manual therapy to reduce pain and improve mobility, a fitness forward approach to treating pain and improving resiliency, and lifestyle optimization to improve wellbeing and general health. No matter the goal, we are here to help you achieve it!
Definition: ground·swell: A groundswell is group of waves created by a distant storm. These waves travel long distances and carry a lot of energy, producing exceptional surfing conditions, like winter on our North Shore. Our treatment approach at GSPT is the groundswell of physical therapy, with exceptional results that go the distance. We strive to always provide effective treatment that will not only change your pain quickly but also build the resiliency needed to keep it away. If performance is your goal, we can help you perform better by improving movement efficiency through building clean movement patterns and layering strength on top.

Meet your Physical Therapist

Adam Ladwig, DPT
Adam is a doctor of physical therapy providing services on Maui since 2015. Specializing in management of pain using a global movement quality approach. Screening the entire body and looking at movement patterns helps determine what should be treated first to resolve your pain and keep it away. Non-painful dysfunction elsewhere in the body may be contributing to your pain. Many traditional corrective exercise strategies assume tightness or weakness is the problem, when usually these are a result of an inefficient movement pattern. Addressing them does not fix the problem unless movement patterns/habits are changed as well. Often simply, cleaning up your movement inefficiencies improves your strength and mobility without directly addressing them with stretching or strengthening AND keeps them that way so you don't have to waste time doing a repetitive routine each day. Using manual therapy techniques to improve movement and reduce pain, Adam can help you move and feel better quickly and allow you to progress to strengthening and training to improve tissue endurance, strength, and capacity. When you choose GSPT, you get direct access to Adam via phone, text, and email and 1 on 1 care at all times in treatment.